I’m just gonna start by shooting straight. We are not called to mediocrity. Or distraction. Or chaos. Or comfort over all else.
We are called to lay it all down. We are called to LOVE. We are called to SERVE. We are called to glorify God and love him, and love people.
So how can we really do that? We live in a world that tells us that money is the most important. That comfort is vital. That knowing what’s new and hot on Netflix is super necessary.
But there’s so much MORE. God created you with purpose. He created you with intention. He created you in his image, and he has a plan for you that involves your WHOLE life. Not just parts of it.
The four main components of life that I write about are found at the buttons below: The spiritual, the relational, the physical, the nest (home). We can (and should!) produce good fruit in all those areas of life.
Together, we’ll talk about how we can ensure that as women, we’re living fruitful lives by tending to these 4 areas of life.
You can also find the FACEBOOK GROUP here. This is a supportive, fun community where we focus on living lives of purpose and intention.