Does God heal today? This is a universally asked question, and it’s a question worth asking.
This is my story of healing.
Does God Heal Today – My Story of Healing
Just over 7 years ago, my first son was born. I won’t get into the details of the first few years of his life and the health challenges he faced (and still does to a degree), but I want to tell you about how my health began to spiral after he was born.
As I adjusted to life with a newborn who was more sick than healthy, I began to lose weight… a lot of weight. My anxiety sky-rocketed, and my stress levels were off the chart. I couldn’t produce enough breast milk for my son, and on top of that, he also couldn’t feed properly.
A few months into this, my family noticed a large lump on my throat. While my family worried about a cancer diagnosis, I didn’t even have the capacity to be concerned about it. I was too stressed about everything else to even consider the possibility.
After some doctor’s visits and testing, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and advised to take a pill called synthroid and not to worry.

Give it to the Lord.
For me (at the time), with all the stress I was under, that was a good enough response.
Does God Heal Today – When illness gets worse, rather than better.
I continued doing the best I could for myself and my son, and I kept taking that handy little pill, that was supposedly keeping everything in check. The funny thing was… I really didn’t feel any better.
Then, between my first child and second, I suffered a miscarriage. Between my second child and third… I experienced 3 more miscarriages.
Finally, though, our 3 children were here. After 3 challenging pregnancies and C-sections, it was clear that our family (biologically) was complete.
We were blessed to have a healthy daughter who breast-fed for a year before losing interest. When she self-weaned around 12 months, a whole new slew of symptoms began.
I began to bleed- heavily, and constantly. I was shocked, and did not know how to handle it. There was no way to live a normal life, because I bled without ceasing. About a year into this, I had an endometrial ablation. This is when they surgically remove the endometrial lining of the uterus. I was told that there was a chance that I would still have a small amount of bleeding, but nothing significant.
Unfortunately, I had more than the little amount expected. And I had it EVERY. DAY.
The doctor’s were stumped. The only thing they could offer (that we hadn’t already tried) was a hysterectomy. There was no good answers. Just the question. Does God still heal today? Does God still heal diseases? Does God still heal the sick? And will I ever feel better? Will the exhaustion ever go away?
Believing For Healing – The Choice
I accepted their advice, and the surgery was booked. But for some reason.. when I arrived for my pre-op appointment, I was overwhelmed by a thought that said, “Don’t do this surgery. Pray. Heal.” It wasn’t an audible voice… it was a feeling deep inside.
Perhaps it was PTSD from the 4 obstetric surgeries I’d had in the past 6 years. Or perhaps God had a different plan.
When my OB called me into his office, I sat down, stared him straight in the eyes and said, “I’m not doing this. I will get better.”
He wished me well and told me to call him back if (pretty sure he implied ‘when’) I changed my mind.
For many months after I made that decision… I bled. EVERY. DAY. There was a part of me that thought I had made a terrible mistake. I would ask myself… “Does God still heal today?”
There’s a story in the Bible about a woman who bled for 12 years. She was in a crowd around Jesus, and she was desperate enough to just reach out and touch his clothes, because she believed that even that would heal her… and it did.
Of course she was desperate. I had been bleeding for just over 2 years, in the comfort of the 21st century, and I was desperate! I read that story and I sympathized with that woman. I felt a sisterhood with her. And most of all… I felt hope.
The Slow Healing
It’s a journey. But I can tell you this. I had prayer warriors going to bat for me. When I was too tired to pray for myself, they were praying for me.
One friend in particular… she would text me and say, “I’m going into prayer for you right now.” And I knew she meant it. She was knocking on heavens door, and knocking down walls.
With that, I had renewed energy. I poured myself into research and began to let God heal me from the inside out. God has provided us with hints and knowledge for how we are to take care of ourselves. When I took the time to seek out and apply that information, my life began to transform.
I am still in it, you guys. My body is still very sensitive and easily disrupted. I also don’t want you to think that a switch was flicked, and everything was amazing. But I don’t bleed anymore. And my thyroid labs have improved so much that I’m working my medication dose down, over and over again.
This took a lot of hard work, and a lot of prayer. That’s my story of healing. My journey to healing is a long one, but I know there’s stories of quick healing, too. While I feel that my healing was miraculous (and I’m so thankful other might not look at it the same way).
Others may just say, science fixed me. Knowledge fixed me. But who is the master scientist? Who is the provider of knowledge? God the Father.

Wait on the Lord and dwell in hope.
Healing Miracles of Jesus Today
Yes. God still heals today. God is the one who created the universe, formed the earth, and put the stars in place. He created each intricate part of our bodies and is the master physician. God created people to think and learn, and people have used those skills to learn how to heal illnesses and injuries. So yes, God heals through science.
But does God still heal today through miracles? YES. I have heard stories of hopeless diagnoses that were defied and defeated by the power of God. I have heard of women pregnant with babies that shouldn’t survive… and they do. There are people who are told they will never walk, or wake up… and they do.
Have you seen the trailer for the new movie, “Breakthrough” that’s coming out in April? It is an amazing story of miraculous healing.
Also, check this one out- I listen to this podcast from Village Church, and they recently shared this story that answers the question, “Does God Heal Today?”
Our God is a God of healing. Our God is a God of miracles. Our God is never changing, and he is eternally powerful.
Check out this post here for Bible verses about healing.
Perhaps you would like some encouragement and guidance in your prayer life. CHECK OUT THIS POST HERE TO FIND OUT HOW PRAYING SCRIPTURE CAN HELP GROW YOUR FAITH.
Stay Connected!
Cecily, your story is amazing! What a powerful testimony. I really admire your obedience to God and saying no to that surgery. That would have been really hard for me to do. I have come to believe that God very much DOES heal today. Thank you for sharing your story!
Thank you so much, Laura! I’ve read your posts before as well, but I just hopped over to your site, https://www.cheeredonmom.com/, and loved your post about Mommy Guilt!
Great Post, Cec. Thanks for sharing your personal story. Obviously, I knew about all of this but hearing it in this way was enlightening. ❤️
Thanks Jess <3
Thank you thank you!! I found your post this morning while looking for hope in healing! I love your testimony, and it DOES give me much hope.
This is wonderful to hear! Thanks Erika!
Thank you so much for sharing. I needed the encouragement in a time of test and trials. God bless you immensely
Thank you, praying for you!
Praise God! JEHOVAH RAPHA the God who heals us. I love your testimony Cecily and thank you for sharing to encourage us. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. Yet so many believers are sick and suffering:( I am collecting testimonials of miracle healings so others can be set free. Healing is bread of God’s children. Amen. The Word says His children are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and that the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy but we know Jesus who came to give us life and life more abundant. Thank you for sharing your victory. Be blessed!
God BLess!